Thursday, December 23, 2010

1st Attempt to Blog.....Here Goes Nothing!

I can't believe it is almost here.  Christmas, 2010.  Time flies.  Look at my beautiful little children.  Little; I have to use that term loosely.  They are both bigger than I am.  Hannah is enjoying school.  Thankfully, she gets Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off.  But, has to go back to school next week until New Year's Day.  They are serious about their learning.  She has been in school for a little over 5 weeks.  So far, so good.  She is preparing for a big trip to Las Vegas in February to attend the Caper training seminar.  I've never even been to Vegas, and my firstborn child gets to venture out into the big, bad world without me.  There will be plenty of supervision and TONS of prayer when she makes this trip.  It will be a wonderful learning opportunity for her.  That is why we agreed to let her go.  Now, if we could only sell those products we bought to get her there.  We are covered up in Paul Mitchell products.  Any takers?

Matthew is enjoying his break.  He has been glued to X-box for a week solid now.  Hoping to pry him off for a little family time over the holiday.  But, given that he will receive even MORE games for Christmas, it's very doubtful that an exit from game playing will occur.  He will return to school to finish up his 8th grade year.  We are not sure what course we are going to take as far as his school for next year.  Definitely in prayer about that one.  Don't want to make a wrong choice.  He wants to go to public school.  It would make things easier in a way, but, also bring more worries.  I guess raising children always presents worries.  Thankfully, we have a God that hears our prayers when we lift up our worries to him.  If I had to handle this all on my own, I don't think I would have survived so far.  Thanking God that I don't have to do it alone.

Darryl and I are off from work until the new year.  He plans to do some hunting.  I, myself, plan to sleep in and do mounds and mounds of laundry.  Sounds like fun, right?  We are installing a shelving unit in Hannah's closet, so I need to wash all of her clothes so she can go through them and sort them out.....keep or give away.  If you have seen Hannah's room, you will know what I am up against.  I may not be seen for days.

Still at the office.  Was hoping that we would get to leave early today.  Not sure if that will be happening.  But, either way, I made it to today, so, I can make it another few hours.  I still have some shopping to do.  And haven't wrapped a single item.  Tomorrow will be a busy day!  Starting off with sleeping in, wrapping gifts, some grocery shopping, the reading of Luke chapter 2, followed by my favorite holiday movie:  "It's a Wonderful Life".  It truly is!  We are so blessed. 

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! 


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